Digital Advertising Campaigns

Welcome back to The Convo, people! Today’s topic is digital advertising campaigns; what are they and how do you measure their success? We’ll be giving out some hot tips when it comes to Facebook advertising and cracking Mark Zuckerberg’s code in addition to giving the basics of Google pay-per-click ads. As we all know, paid […]

Best Ways to Grow Your Email List

Greetings internet, and welcome back to The Convo! Before we get started, we hope you all are staying healthy and safe during these difficult times. Not only has the global pandemic affected our everyday lives, it has forced us all to make some pretty significant changes to how we conduct business. Today, we want to […]

How to Stand Out on Social Media During this Time

With so many people being negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, now may not seem like the time to worry about how to make the most out of the situation in regards to digital marketing. There is, however, a way to remain top of mind during this crisis in a manner that is sensitive and […]

Why Your Hosting Provider Matters

Hey everyone, today we’re talking web hosting. Let’s dive right in and get started. First I want to say: this isn’t your grandma’s hosting – there will be no charades or punch, or old family photo albums. However, there may be cookies. This is very complicated, technical, very serious, Matrix level stuff. Just kidding. But […]

Say “Hey” to Hey Mr’s Web Team

A savvy business owner like yourself already knows that having a website is a necessity in today’s digital world. You want to build trust by making a great first impression with potential clients, and delivering a flawless online presentation is essential in accomplishing that goal! Offering a quality user experience that engages your audience by […]

Landing Pages: Why You Need Them

Landing pages have quickly become a necessity in today’s world of business! No matter what industry you’re in, you can take advantage of this technology to increase your conversion rates and lower your cost of acquisition. Who doesn’t want to do that? Ready to take a deep dive into the world of landing pages? Let’s […]

Hey Mr. & ManyChat Co-host Connect: Denver!

Hey Mr. celebrated our love for Chatbots this Valentine’s Day. In case you missed it, on Feb 13th Hey Mr. and ManyChat co-hosted a fun and educational event with speaker and chatbot expert Carrie Gottschalk, centered around ManyChat’s Facebook Messenger services, optimizing Facebook Ads and social media strategies. The first ManyChat independent city event EVER, […]

Why Rebrand?

There are several reasons a business may want to consider rebranding. If you have new goals, product offerings, or services, you should update your image accordingly to reflect these changes.


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